Muslim and Western Theories of Dreams Interpretation: a Comparative Study of Sigmund Freud and Ibn-e-Sirīn


  • Dr. Muhammad Saeed-Ur-Rehman Assistant prof. Visiting WEC /University of Wah, Member shineeks Editorial Board USA


The present study shows a scientific comparison between psychoanalytical dream interpretation and Ibn- e- Sirīn (R.A)’s theory of dream interpretation. A sample of 100 subjects (male& female) was taken from Islamabad region comprising 50 subjects belongs to Practicing Muslims and 50 common Muslims. Their recent dreams are recorded and their interpretation was made. It is concluded that:

Majority dreams are wish fulfillment rather than anxiety and symbolic.

In Ibn- e- Sirīn (R.A) interpretation of wish fulfillment dreams’ ratio is greater than Freudian interpretation. We may say 58 > 47. In Ibn- e- Sirīn(R.A)’s interpretation of anxiety dreams’ ratio is less than Freudian interpretation. We may say 25<37. In Ibn- e- Sirīn (R.A)’s interpretation of symbolic dreams’ ratio is greater than Freudian interpretation. We may say 17>9. There are 69 dreams in which dreams of both categories are common and in 31 dreams are different.

Key Words: Dreams, Interpretation, Western Theories Sigmund Freud, Ibn-e-Sirīn

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How to Cite

Saeed-Ur-Rehman, D. M. . (2024). Muslim and Western Theories of Dreams Interpretation: a Comparative Study of Sigmund Freud and Ibn-e-Sirīn. Al-Amīr Research Journal for Islamic Studies, 5(01), 69–84. Retrieved from